It doesn’t seem to matter what you do…if you do 100 crunches a day, avoid carbs, and avoid every high calorie food out there, beating that good old “battle of the bulge” seems to continuously plague many. One thing that many people fail to realize though is that there are actually several factors that go into getting and maintaining a flat stomach; and doing only one of these things will not lead to flat, toned abs.
Diet and Lifestyle For A Flat Stomach
While exercise is important for toning and maintaining any muscles, it’s also important to note that many people gain abdominal weight purely from poor lifestyle and diet choices just as much as they do from not exercising. Studies have continuously shown that things like poor sleep hygiene contribute greatly to belly fat, and people who don’t get the recommended six to eight hours of sleep are more likely to gain stomach weight. One of the first things you can start doing to get a flatter stomach is to make sure you’re getting the suggested amount of quality sleep.
Secondly, obtaining a flatter stomach isn’t going to be possible at all if you don’t watch what you eat. Foods full of sugar and flour greatly contribute to a less than flat stomach. You can be proactive about a flatter stomach by avoiding these foods and sticking to a low carbohydrate diet.
You can also consider going on a low glycemic diet, which means you’ll not only be giving up sugars and white foods like pasta and bread, but also alcohol and soft drinks that cause you to store fat in your stomach area.
Exercise and Fitness Tips For A Flat Stomach
Of course, you will have to get active in order to flatten your stomach and strengthen your abs.
In addition to the regular ab exercises, make sure you’re completing a whole body workout. In doing so, you’re likely to strengthen your abs even when you’re working on other parts of your body; killing two birds with one stone. Since your abs are essentially your ‘core,’ you’ll find that so many all over workouts require you to keep your core flexed and strong while you’re working out. Keeping this core pulled together and strong will also help you be on the way to a flatter tummy in no time. It’s also helpful to practice this idea all day long: make it a habit to constantly keep yourself pulled together at the center, keeping your abs flexed even while you’re doing things like riding in your car.
In addition to regimens like running, pilates, and yoga, which are all great for flattening abs and for strong muscles, there are also simple exercises to do.
Reverse Crunches
This simple exercise is an oldie but goodie, and is great for working out your lower abs. The best way to do reverse crunches is to do so slowly and with much control. Although there are several variations to this simple exercise, the more common way would be to lay on a bench press or floor. If on a bench press, put your hands on the rack for support, bend your knees (just enough so that your behind is off the bench) and then bring your knees toward your face as close as you can. The key here is to try not to lift your pelvis at all. Round your back as you do so and lean upwards, holding the position for as long as you feel necessary and then contracting your abs.
Bicycle Exercises
This is also a great exercise for your lower abs, and it will help develop your lower abs, your obliques and your intercostals. This is great to do at the end of your whole workout, and it’s best to do by counting for 30 to 60 seconds on each one instead of using reps.
To do bicycle exercises, just lay on the floor with your hands behind your head and put your knees bent so that they’re slightly off the floor. Begin pedaling, bringing each knee one at a time to its opposite elbow, and once your foot is reaching the ground from that time, repeat the same on the other side with your other knee and elbow.
Leg Raises
Leg raises should always be a part of any ab exercise routine. There are several ways to do leg raises, although the most beneficial and popular is using a wall for support against your back, although finding what works most comfortably for you is important. No matter which way you do leg raises, you’ll be working out your lower abs greatly and you’ll be flexing them the entire time as you go through the motions.